Ape City?

Yep, Ape City. When they made "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes", the fourth of the Planet of the Apes series, the filmmakers wanted to find a location for the futuristic city conquered by the apes. They found the perfect location on the UC Irvine campus.

Now, many years ago, when I first learned this fabulous fact, I came across a web page positively replete with photos of the campus infested with apes. When I went looking again, though, the best I could find was this one:

That's the Social Sciences tower you see in the background. I'm sure you can spot the architectural similarity to other buildings on campus, such as the main ICS building (left) or administration building (right):

However, just as I was resigning myself to the sad loss of these images of UCI's finest hour, I was saved by Jack Muramatsu, who sent me this fine set of pictures, and Robert Nideffer, who Photoshop'd them to perfection. Click on the thumbnail for a larger version.

The Social Science plaza features extensively in the movie. In fact, in the end, the apes defeat Man by setting fire to Social Science. I'm sure there's some symbolism hidden there...