- Dourish, P. 2001. Where the Action Is: The Foundations of Embodied Interaction. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Dourish, P. and Bell, G. 2011. Divining a Digital Future: Mess and Mythology in Ubiquitous Computing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Dourish, P. 2017. The Stuff of Bits: An Essay on the Materialities of Information. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
conference proceedings
- Kutti, K., Harsten, E., Fitzpatrick, G., Dourish, P., and Schmidt, K. 2003. Proceedings of the Eighth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work ECSCW 2003 (Helsinki, Finland). Dordrecht: Kluwer. ECSCW.
- Dourish, P. and Friday, A. 2006. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing UbiComp 2006 (Orange County, CA). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4206. Berlin: Springer.
journal papers
- Dourish, P. 1995. Developing a Reflective Model of Collaborative Systems. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 2(1), 40-63.
- Dourish, P., Adler, A., Bellotti, V. and Henderson, A. 1996. Your Place or Mine? Learning from Long-Term Use of Audio-Video Communication. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 5(1), 33-62.
- Dourish, P. 1998. Using Metalevel Techniques in a Flexible Toolkit for CSCW Applications. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 5(2), 109-155.
- Dourish, P. and Button, G. 1998. On "Technomethodology": Foundational Relationships between Ethnomethodology and System Design. Human-Computer Interaction, 13(4), 395-432.
- Dourish, P., Edwards, W.K., LaMarca, A. and Salisbury, M. 1999. Presto: An Experimental Architecture for Fluid Interactive Document Spaces. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 6(2), 133-161.
- Dourish, P. and Edwards, W.K. 2000. A Tale of Two Toolkits: Relating Infrastructure and Use in Flexible CSCW Toolkits. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 9(1), 33-51.
- Dourish, P., Edwards, W.K., LaMarca, A., Lamping, J., Petersen, K., Salisbury, M., Terry, D. and Thornton, J. 2000. Extending Document Management Systems with User-Specific Active Properties. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 18(2), 140-170.
- Dourish, P. 2001. Seeking a Foundation for Context-Aware Computing. Human-Computer Interaction, 16(2-3).
- Dourish, P. 2003. The Appropriation of Interactive Technologies: Some Lessons from Placeless Documents. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: Special Issue on Evolving Use of Groupware, 12, 465-490.
- Reddy, M., Pratt, W., Dourish, P., and Shabot, M. 2003. Sociotechnical Requirements Analysis for Clinical Systems. Methods of Information in Medicine, 42, 437-444.
- Dourish, P. 2004. What We Talk About When We Talk About Context. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 8(1), 19-30.
- Dourish, P., Grinter, R., Delgado de la Flor, J., and Joseph, M. 2004. Security in the Wild: User Strategies for Managing Security as an Everyday, Practical Problem. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 8(6), 391-401.
- DePaula, R., Ding, X., Dourish, P., Nies, K., Pillet, B., Redmiles, D.F., Ren, J., Rode, J.A., and Silva Filho, R. 2005. In the Eye of the Beholder: A Visualization-based Approach to Information System Security. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 63(1-2), 5-24.
- Reddy, M., Dourish, P., and Pratt, W. 2006. Temporality in Medical Work: Time also matters. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 15(1), 29-53.
- Dourish, P. and Anderson, K. 2006. Collective Information Practice: Exploring Privacy and Security as Social and Cultural Phenomena. Human-Computer Interaction, 21(3), 319-342.
- Williams, A. and Dourish, P. 2006. Reimagining the City: The Cultural Dimensions of Urban Computing. IEEE Computer, 39(9), 38-43.
- Bell, G. and Dourish, P. 2007. Yesterday's Tomorrows: Notes on Ubiquitous Computing's Dominant Vision. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 11(2), 133-143.
- Boehner, K., DePaula, R., Dourish, P., and Sengers, P. 2007. How Emotion is Made and Measured. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 65(4), 275-291.
- Dourish, P. and Bell, G. 2007. The Infrastructure of Experience and the Experience of Infrastructure: Meaning and Structure in Everyday Encounters with Space. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 34, 3, 414-430.
- Bell, G. and Dourish, P. 2007. Back to the Shed: Gendered Visions of Technology and Domesticity. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 11(5), 373-381.
- Brewer, J., Bassoli, A., Martin, K., Dourish, P., and Mainwaring, S. 2007. Underground Aesthetics: Rethinking Urban Computing. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 6(3), July-September, 39-45.
- Brewer, J. and Dourish, P. 2008. Storied Spaces: Cultural Accounts of Mobility, Technology, and Environmental Knowing. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 66, 12, 963-976.
- Dourish, P. 2010. 'Computational Thinking' and the Postcolonial in the Teaching From Country Programme. Learning Communities: The International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts, 2, 91-101.
- Lindtner, S. and Dourish, P. 2011. The Promise of Play: A New Approach Towards Productive Play. Games and Culture, 6(5), 453-478.
- Lindtner, S., Chen, J., Hayes, G. and Dourish, P. 2011. Towards a Framework of Publics: Re-encountering Media Sharing and its User. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 18(2), 23pp.
- Hayes, G., Lee, C., and Dourish, P. 2011. Organizational Routines, Innovation, and Flexibility: The Application of Narrative Networks to Dynamic Workflow. Intl. Journal of Medical Informatics, 80(8), 161-177.
- Philip, K., Irani, L., and Dourish, P. 2012. Postcolonial Computing: A Tactical Survey. Science, Technology, and Human Values. 37(1), 3-29.
- Brubaker, J., Hayes, G., and Dourish, P. 2013. Beyond the Grave: Facebook as a site for the expansion of death and mourning. The Information Society, 29(3), 152-163.
- Dourish, P. and Bell, G. 2014. "Resistance is Futile": Reading Science Fiction Alongside Ubiquitous Computing. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 18(4), 769-778.
- Williams, A., Lindtner, S., Anderson, K., and Dourish, P. 2014. Multi-sited Design: An Analytic Lens for Transnational HCI. Human-Computer Interaction, 29, 78-108.
- Mazmanian, M., Cohn, M., and Dourish, P. 2014. Dynamic Reconfiguration in Planetary Exploration: A Sociomaterial Ethnography. MIS Quarterly, 38(3), 831-848.
- Chen, J., Dourish, P., Hayes, G., and Mazmanian, M. 2014. From Interaction to Performance with Public Displays. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 18, 1617-1629.
- Dourish, P. 2014. NoSQL: The Shifting Materialities of Database Technology. Computational Culture, 4.
- Shklovski, I., Troshynski, E., and Dourish, P. 2015. Mobile Technologies and Spatiotemporal Configurations of Institutional Practice. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 66(10), 2098-2115.
- Baumer, E., Ames, M., Burrell, J, Brubaker, J., and Dourish, P. 2015. Why Study Technology Non-Use? First Monday, 20(11).
- Dourish, P. 2016. Algorithms and their Others: Algorithmic Culture in Context. Big Data and Society, 3(2).
- Horgan, L. and Dourish, P. 2018. Ambiguity, Ambivalence, and Activism: Data Organizing Inside the Institution. Krisis: The Journal for Contemporary Philosophy, Issue 2018/1, 16pp.
- Dourish, P. 2018. The Once and Future Internet: Ambiguity and Infrastructural Tragedy in the Case of IPv6. Internet Histories, 2(1-2), 55-74.
- Dourish, P. 2018. The Allure and the Paucity of Design: Cultures of Design and Design in Culture. Human-Computer Interaction.
- Dourish, P. and Gomez Cruz, E. 2018. Datafication and Data Fiction: Narrating Data and Narrating With Data. Big Data and Society, 5(2).
- Ames, M., Lindtner, S., Bardzell, S., Bardzell, J., Nguyen, N, Ahmed, S., Jahan, N., Jackson, S., and Dourish, P. 2018. Making or Making Do? Challenging the Mythologies of Making and Hacking. Journal of Peer Production, 12, 21pp.
- Yoo, C. and Dourish, P. 2021. Anshimi: Women's Perceptions of Safety Data and the Efficacy of a Safety Application in Seoul. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5 (CSCW1), April, Article No.: 147, 1–21.
- Singh, R., Miller, T., Lyons, H., Sonenberg, L., Velloso, E., Vetere, F., Howe, P., and Dourish, P. 2023. Directive Explanations for Actionable Explainability in Machine Learning Applications. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems.
- Fedorova, M., Mazmanian, M., and Dourish, P. 2024. Coding Beauty/Decoding Ugliness: The Role of Aesthetic Concerns in Programming Practices. Science, Technology, and Human Values.
- Lee, S. and Dourish, P. 2024. Reconfiguring Data Relations: Institutional Dynamics around Data in Local Governance. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW).
conference papers
- Dourish, P. and Bly, S. 1992. Portholes: Supporting Awareness in a Distributed Work Group. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI'92 (Monterey, CA), 541-547. New York: ACM.
- Gaver, W., Moran, T., MacLean, A., Lovstrand, L., Dourish, P., Carter, K. and Buxton, W. 1992. Realizing a Video Environment: EuroPARC's RAVE System. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI'92 (Monterey, CA), 27-35. New York: ACM.
- Dourish, P. and Bellotti, V. 1992. Awareness and Coordination in Shared Workspaces. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work CSCW'92 (Toronto, Ontario), 107-114. New York: ACM. Lasting Impact Award.
- Dourish, P. 1993. Culture and Control in a Media Space. Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work ECSCW'93 (Milan, Italy). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
- Dourish, P., Bellotti, V., Mackay, W. and Ma, C.-Y. 1993. Information and Context: Lessons from a Study of Two Shared Information Systems. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Organisational Computing Systems COOCS'93 (Milpetas, CA), 42-51. New York: ACM.
- Dourish, P. and Bellotti, V. 1994. Networked Multimedia Support for Informal Collaboration. Proceedings of the IEE Colloq. Integrating Telecommunications and Information Technology on the Desktop. (London, UK).
- Dourish, P. and Chalmers, M. 1994. Running Out of Space: Models of Information Navigation. Short paper presented at HCI'94 (Glasgow, UK).
- Dourish, P. 1995. Accounting for System Behaviour: Representation, Reflection and Resourceful Action. Proceedings of the Third Decennial Conference on Computers in Context CIC'95 (Aarhus, Denmark).
- Dourish, P. 1995. The Parting of the Ways: Divergence, Data Management and Collaborative Work. Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work ECSCW'95 (Stockholm, Sweden). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
- Bentley, R. and Dourish, P. 1995. Medium versus Mechanism: Supporting Collaboration through Customisation. Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work ECSCW'95 (Stockholm, Sweden). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
- Button, G. and Dourish, P. 1996. Technomethodology: Paradoxes and Possibilities. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI'96 (Vancouver, BC), 19-26. New York: ACM.
- Dourish, P., Adler, A. and Smith, B.C. 1996. Organising User Interfaces Around Reflective Accounts. Proceedings of Reflection'96 (San Francisco, CA).
- Dourish, P. 1996. Consistency Guarantees: Exploiting Application Semantics for Consistency Management in a Collaboration Toolkit. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work CSCW'96 (Boston, MA), 268-277. New York: ACM.
- Dourish, P., Holmes, J., MacLean, A., Marqvardsen, P. and Zbyslaw, A. 1996. Freeflow: Mediating Between Representation and Action in Workflow Systems. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work CSCW'96 (Boston, MA), 190-198. New York: ACM.
- Harrison, S. and Dourish, P. 1996. Re-Place-ing Space: The Roles of Place and Space in Collaborative Systems. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work CSCW'96 (Boston, MA), 67-76. New York: ACM. Lasting Impact Award.
- Kaminsky, M., Dourish, P., Edwards, W.K., LaMarca, A., Salisbury, M. and Smith, I. 1999. SWEETPEA: Software Tools for Programmable Embodied Agents. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI'99 (Philadelphia, PA), 144-151. New York: ACM.
- de Lara, E., Petersen, K., Terry, D., LaMarca, A., Thornton, J., Salisbury, M., Dourish, P., Edwards, W.K. and Lamping, J. 1999. Caching Documents with Active Properties. Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems HOTOS-VII (Rio Rico, AZ). New York: IEEE.
- LaMarca, A., Edwards, W.K., Dourish, P., Lamping, J., Smith, I. and Thornton, J. 1999. Taking the Work out of Workflow: Mechanisms for Document-Centered Collaboration. Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work ECSCW'99 (Copenhagen, Denmark).
- Dourish, P., Edwards, W.K., LaMarca, A. and Salisbury, M. 1999. Using Properties for Uniform Interaction in the Presto Document System. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology UIST'99 (Asheville, NC), 55-64. New York: ACM.
- Dourish, P., Lamping, J. and Rodden, T. 1999. Building Bridges: Customisation and Mutual Intelligibility in Shared Category Management. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work GROUP'99 (Phoenix, AZ), 11-20. New York: ACM.
- Dourish, P., Bentley, R., Jones, R. and MacLean, A. 1999. Getting Some Perspective: Using Process Descriptions to Index Document History. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work GROUP'99 (Phoenix, AZ), 375-384. New York: ACM.
- Dourish, P., Edwards, W.K., Jon Howell, LaMarca, A., Lamping, J., Petersen, K., Salisbury, M., Terry, D., and Thornton, J. 2000. A Programming Model for Active Documents. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology UIST 2000 (San Diego, CA), 41-50. New York: ACM.
- Dourish, P., Swinehart, D. and Theimer, M. 2000. The Doctor is In: Helping End-Users Understand the Health of Distributed Systems. Proceedings of the 11th IFIP/IEEE Workshop on Distributed Systems Operation and Management DSOM 2000 (San Antonio, TX). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1960, Springer, 157-168.
- Reddy, M., Dourish, P. and Pratt, W. (2001). Coordinating Heterogeneous Work: Information and Representation in Medical Care. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work ECSCW 2001 (Bonn, Germany), 239-258.
- Dourish, P. (2001). Process Descriptions as Organisational Accounting Devices: The Dual Use of Workflow Technologies. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work GROUP'01 (Boulder, CO), 52-60.
- Dourish, P. and van der Hoek, A. 2002. Emigre: Metalevel Architecture and Migratory Work. Proceedings of the European Conference on Mobile HCI (Pisa, Italy). Berlin: Springer.
- Dourish, P. and Redmiles, D. 2002. An Approach to Usable Security Based on Event Monitoring and Visualization. Proceedings of the New Security Paradigms Workshop 2002 (Virginia Beach, VA).
- Dourish, P. and Byttner, J. 2002. A Visual Virtual Machine for Java Programs: Exploration and Early Experiences. Proceedings of the ICDMS Workshop on Visual Computing (Redwood City, CA).
- Reddy, M., Pratt, W., Dourish, P., and Shabot, M. 2002. Asking Questions: Information Needs in a Surgical Intensive Care Unit. Proceedings of the American Medical Informatics Association Fall Symposium AMIA'02 (San Antonio, TX). Nov 9-13. (Diana Forsythe Award.)
- Reddy, M. and Dourish, P. 2002. A Finger on the Pulse: Temporal Rhythms and Information Seeking in Medical Work. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work CSCW 2002 (New Orleans, LA), 344-353. New York: ACM.
- Palen, L. and Dourish, P. 2003. Unpacking "Privacy" for a Networked World. Proceedings of the Human Computer Interaction Consortium Winter Meeting (Douglas, CO).
- Palen, L. and Dourish, P. 2003. Unpacking "Privacy" for a Networked World. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI 2003 (Fort Lauderdale, FL), 129-136. New York: ACM.
- Lopes, C.V., Dourish, P., Lorenz, D., and Lieberherr, K. 2003. Beyond AOP: Towards Naturalistic Programming. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications OOPSLA 2003 (Onward! Track).
- de Souza, C., Redmiles, D., and Dourish, P. 2003. Breaking the Code: Moving between Private and Public Work in Collaborative Software Development. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work GROUP 2003 (Sannibel Island, FL), 105-114.
- Fisher, D. and Dourish, P. 2004. Social and Temporal Structures in Everyday Collaboration. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI 2004 (Vienna, Austria), 551-558.
- Froehlich, J. and Dourish, P. 2004. Unifying Artifacts and Activities in a Visual Tool for Distributed Software Development Teams. Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE 2004 (Edinburgh, UK), 387-396.
- Barkhuus, L. and Dourish, P. 2004. Everyday Encounters with Ubiquitous Computing in a Campus Environment. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Ubicomp 2004 (Nottingham, UK), 232-249.
- DePaula, R. and Dourish, P. 2005. Cognitive and Cultural Views of Emotions. Proceedings of the Human Computer Interaction Consortium Winter Meeting (Douglas, CO).
- Kabisch, E., Williams, A., and Dourish, P. 2005. Symbolic Objects in a Networked Gestural Sound Interface. Interactive Poster, ACM Conf. Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI 2005 (Portland, OR).
- Fisher, D. and Dourish P. 2005. Structural Information From Email Networks Enhances The Collaborative Workspace. International Sunbelt Social Network Conference Sunbelt XXV (Redondo Beach, CA).
- Ren, J., Taylor, R., Dourish, P., and Redmiles, D. 2005. Towards An Architectural Treatment of Software Security: A Connector-Centric Approach. Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems (SESS 05), held in conjunction with the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE 2005 (St. Louis, MO).
- DiGioia, P. and Dourish, P. 2005. Social Navigation as a Model for Usable Security. Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security SOUPS 2005 (Pittsburgh, PA), 101-108.
- DePaula, R., Ding, X., Dourish, P., Nies, K., Pillet, B., Redmiles, D.F., Ren, J., Rode, J.A., and Silva Filho, R. 2005. Two Experiences Designing for Effective Security. Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security SOUPS 2005 (Pittsburgh, PA), 25-34.
- Anderson, K. and Dourish, P. 2005. Situated Privacies: Do you know where you mother [trucker] is? Proc. HCI International (Las Vegas, NV).
- Boehner, K., DePaula, R., Dourish, P., and Sengers, P. 2005. Affect: From Information to Interaction. Proc. Critical Computing: Fourth Decennial Aarhus Conference (Aarhus, Denmark).
- Williams, A., Kabisch, E., and Dourish, P. 2005. From Interaction to Participation: Configuring Space through Embodied Interaction. Proc. Intl. Conf. Ubiquitous Computing Ubicomp 2005 (Tokyo, Japan), 287-304.
- De Souza, C., Froehlich, J., and Dourish, P. 2005. Seeking the Source: Software Source Code as a Social and Technical Artifact. Proc. ACM Conf. Supporting Group Work GROUP 2005 (Sanibel Island, FL), 197-206.
- Dourish, P. 2006. Implications for Design. Proc. ACM Conf. Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI 2006 (Montreal, Canada), 541-550.
- Rode, J., Johansson, C., DiGioia, P., Silva Filho, R., Nies, K., Nguyen, D., Ren, J., Dourish, P., and Redmiles, D. 2006. Seeing Further: Extending Visualization as a Basis for Usable Security. Proc. Symp. on Usable Privacy and Security SOUPS 2006 (Pittsburgh, PA), 145-155.
- Dourish, P. 2006. Re-Space-ing Place: Place and Space Ten Years On. Proc. ACM Conf. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work CSCW 2006 (Banff, Alberta), 299-308.
- Lee, C., Dourish, P., and Mark, G. 2006. The Human Infrastructure of Cyberinfrastructure. Proc. ACM Conf. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work CSCW 2006 (Banff, Alberta), 483-492.
- Brewer, J., Williams, A., and Dourish, P. 2007. A Handle on What's Going On: Combining Tangible Interfaces and Ambient Displays for Collaborative Groups. Proc. Tangible and Embodied Interaction '07 (Baton Rouge, LA), 3-10.
- Boehner, K., Vertesi, J., Sengers, P., and Dourish, P. 2007. How HCI Interprets the Probes. Proc. ACM Conf. Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI 2007 (San Jose, CA), 1077-1086. (Honorable Mention in Best Paper competition.)
- Dourish, P., Anderson, K., and Nafus, D. 2007. Cultural Mobilities: Diversity and Agency in Urban Computing. Proc. IFIP Conf. Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT 2007 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).
- Dourish, P. 2007. Responsibilities and Implications: Further Thoughts on Ethnography and Design. Proc. ACM Conf. Designing for the User Experience DUX 2007 (Chicago, IL).
- Dourish, P. 2007. Technologies of Presence and Accountability. Intl. Workshop on Social Interaction and Mundane Technologies (Melbourne, Australia).
- Dourish, P. 2007. Seeing Like an Interface. Proc. Australasian Computer-Human Interaction Conference OzCHI 2007 (Adelaide, Australia), 1-8.
- Brewer, J., Mainwaring, S., and Dourish, P. 2008. Aesthetic Journeys. Proc. ACM Conf. Designing Interactive Systems DIS 2008 (Cape Town, South Africa), 333-341.
- Williams, A., Dourish, P., and Anderson, K. 2008. Anchored Mobilities: Mobile Technology and Transnational Migration. Proc. ACM Conf. Designing Interactive Systems DIS 2008 (Cape Town, South Africa), 323-332.
- Troshynski, E., Lee, C., and Dourish, P. 2008. Accountabilities of Presence: Reframing Location-Based Systems. Proc. ACM Conf. Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI 2008 (Florence, Italy), 487-496.
- Irani, L., Hayes, G., and Dourish, P. 2008. Situated Practices of Looking: Visual Practice in an Online World. Proc. ACM Conf. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work CSCW 2008 (San Diego, CA).
- Lindtner, S., Mainwaring, S., Dourish, P., and Wang, Y. 2009. Situating Productive Play: Online Gaming Practices and Guanxi in China. Proc. IFIP Conf. Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT 2009 (Stockholm, Sweden), Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 5736, 328-341.
- Shklovski, I., Vertesi, J., Troshynski, E., and Dourish, P. 2009. The Commodification of Location: Dynamics of Power in Location-Based Systems. Proc. Intl. Conf. Ubiquitous Computing Ubicomp 2009 (Orlando, FL), 11-20.
- Satchell, C. and Dourish, P. 2009. Beyond the User: Use and Non-Use in HCI. Proc. Australasian Conf. Computer-Human Interaction OzCHI 2009 (Melbourne, Australia), 9-16.
- Marcu, G., Kaufman, S., Lee, J., Black, R., Dourish, P., Hayes, G., and Richardson, D. 2010. Design and Evaluation of a Computer Science Engineering Course for Middle School Girls. Proc. ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education SIGCSE 2010 (Milwaukee, WI).
- Irani, L., Vertesi, J., Dourish, P., Philip, K., and Grinter, R. 2010. Postcolonial Computing: A Lens on Design and Development. Proc. ACM Conf. Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI 2010 (Atlanta, GA), 1311-1320.
- Dourish, P. 2010. HCI and Environmental Sustainability: The Politics of Design and the Design of Politics. Proc. ACM Conf. Designing Interactive Systems DIS 2010 (Aarhus, Denmark), 1-10.
- Irani, L., Dourish, P., and Mazmanian, M. 2010. Shopping for Sharpies in Seattle: Mundane Infrastructures of Transnational Design. Proc. ACM Intl. Conf. Intercultural Collaboration ICIC 2010 (Copenhagen, Denmark), 39-48. Best paper award.
- Cohn, M., Sim, S., and Dourish, P. 2010. Design Methods as Discourse on Practice. Proc. ACM Conf. Supporting Group Work GROUP 2010 (Sanibel Island, FL), 45-54.
- Holten Møller, N. and Dourish, P. 2010. Coordination by Avoidance: Bringing Things Together and Keeping Them Apart Across Hospital Departments. Proc. ACM Conf. Supporting Group Work GROUP 2010 (Sanibel Island, FL), 65-74.
- Vertesi, J. and Dourish, P. 2011. The Value of Data: Considering the Context of Production in Data Economies. Proc. ACM Conf. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work CSCW 2011 (Hangzou, China), 533-542.
- Dourish, P. and Mazmanian, M. 2011. Media as Material: Information Representations as Material Foundations for Organizational Practice. Third International Symposium on Process Organization Studies (Corfu, Greece).
- Lindtner, S., Anderson, K., and Dourish, P. 2012. Cultural Appropriation: Information Technologies as Sites of Transnational Imagination. Proc. ACM Conf. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work CSCW 2012 (Seattle, WA), 77-86.
- Dourish, P. and Mainwaring, S. 2012. Ubicomp's Colonial Impulse. Proc. ACM Conf. Ubiquitous Computing Ubicomp 2012 (Pittsburgh, PA), 133-142.
- Lindtner, S., Hertz, G., and Dourish, P. 2014. Emerging Sites of HCI Innovation: Hackerspaces, Hardware Startups and Incubators. Proc. ACM Conf. Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI 2014 (Toronto, Canada), 439-448. Best paper award.
- Nansen, B., van Ryn, L., Vetere, F., Robertson, T., Brereton, M., and Dourish, P. 2014. An Internet of Social Things. Proc. Australasian Conf. Computer-Human Interaction OzCHI 2014 (Sydney, Australia).
- Dourish, P. 2015. Not The Internet, but This Internet: How Othernets Illuminate our Feudal Internet. Proc. Critical Alternatives (Fifth Decennial Aarhus Conference), Aarhus, Denmark.
- Raval, N. and Dourish, P. 2016. Standing Out from the Crowd: Emotional Work, Body Work, and Temporal Work in Ridesharing. Proc. ACM Conf. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work CSCW 2016 (San Francisco, CA).
- Wolf, C., Ringland, K., Gao, I., and Dourish, P. 2018. Participating Through Data: Charting Relational Tensions in Multiplatform Data Flows. Proceedings of the ACM CSCW 2018, Article 184.
- Dourish, P., Lawrence, C., Leong, T., and Wadley, G. 2020. On Being Iterated: The Affective Demands of Design Participation. Proc. ACM Conf. Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI 2020 (Honolulu, HI). Best Paper Award.
book chapters
- Bellotti, V. and Dourish, P. 1997. Rant and RAVE: Experimental and Experiential Accounts of a Media Space. In Finn, Sellen and Wilbur (eds), Video-Mediated Communication 245-272. New Jersey: LEA.
- Dourish, P. 1997. Accounting for System Behaviour: Representation, Reflection and Resourceful Action. In Kyng and Mathiassen (eds), Computers and Design in Context, 145-170. Cambridge: MIT Press.
- Dourish, P. 1998. Software Architectures for CSCW. In Beaudouin-Lafon (ed.), Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 195-219. London: Wiley.
- Dourish, P. 1999. Following Where the Footprints Lead: Tracking Down New Roles for Social Navigation. In Munro, Hook, and Benyon (eds.), Social Navigation of Information Space, 15-34. London: Springer.
- Dourish, P., Reddy, M., and Fisher, D. 2004. Temporality and Structure in Collaborative Work. In Heilesen (ed.), Digital Presence: Knowledge and Design in New Media (Det digitale naervaer: Viden og design i nye medier). Roskilde University.
- Smith, I., LaMarca, A., Consolvo, S., and Dourish, P. 2005. A Social Approach to Privacy in Location-Enhanced Computing. In Robinson, Vogt, and Wagealla (eds), Privacy, Security and Trust within the Context of Pervasive Computing, (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 780), 157-167. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
- Reddy, M. and Dourish, P. 2007. Representation, Coordination, and Information Artifacts in Medical Work. In Ackerman, M., Erickson, T., Halverson, C., and Kellogg, W. (eds), Resources, Co-Evolution, and Artifacts: Theory in CSCW, 167-192. New York: Kluwer.
- Dourish, P. 2008. Play, Flex, and Slop: Sociality and Intentionality. In Erickson and McDonald (eds), HCI Remixed, 305-308. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Williams, A., Robles, E., and Dourish, P. 2008. Urbane-ing the City: Examining and Refining the Assumptions Behind Urban Informatics. In Foth (ed.), Handbook of Research on Urban Informatics: The Practice and Promise of the Real-Time City. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, IGI Global
- Button, G. and Dourish, P. 2010. Technomethodology: Paradoxes and Possibilities. In Sharrock and Lynch (eds), Ethnomethodology. London, Sage.
- Satchell, C. and Dourish, P. 2011. The Moral Economy of Social Media. In Foth, Forlano, Satchell, and Gibbs (eds), From Social Butterfly to Engaged Citizen: Urban Informatics, Social Media, and Mobile Technology to Support Civic Engagement. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Dourish, P. and Mazmanian, M. 2013. Media as Material: Information Representations as Material Foundations for Organizational Practice. In Carlile, Nicolini, Langley, and Tsoukas (eds), How Matter Matters: Objects, Artifacts, and Materiality in Organization Studies, 92-118. Oxford University Press.
- Dourish, P. 2-14. Reading and Interpreting Ethnography. In Olson and Kellogg (eds), HCI Ways of Knowing. Springer.
- Dourish, P. 2015. Packets, Protocols, and Proximity: The Materialities of Internet Routing. In Parks and Starosielski (eds), Signal Traffic: Critical Studes of Media Infrastructures, 183-204. University of Illinois Press.
technical reports
- Bellotti, V., Dourish, P. and MacLean, A. 1991. From Users' Themes to Designers DReams: Developing a Design Space for Shared Interactive Technologies. Technical Report EPC-91-112, Rank Xerox EuroPARC, Cambridge, UK.
- Dourish, P. 1991. Godard: A Flexible Architecture for A/V Services in a Media Space. Technical Report EPC-91-134, Rank Xerox EuroPARC, Cambridge, UK.
- Dourish, P. 1992. Computational Reflection and CSCW Design. Technical Report EPC-92-102, Rank Xerox EuroPARC, Cambridge, UK.
- Dourish, P. 1993. Designing for Change: Reflective Metalevel Architectures for Deep Customisation in CSCW. Technical Report EPC-93-102, Rank Xerox EuroPARC, Cambridge, UK.
- Fisher, D. and Dourish, P. 2002. Populating the Social Workscape. Technical Report UCI-ISR-02-2, UCI Institute for Software Research, Irvine, Ca.
- Dourish, P. 2002. The Experience of Computation. Technical Report UCI-ISR-02-3, UCI Institute for Software Research, Irvine, Ca.
- Dourish, P., Grinter, R., Dalal, B., Delgado de la Flor, J., and Joseph, M. 2003. Security Day-to-day: User Strategies for Managaing Security as a Practical, Everyday Problem. Technical Report UCI-ISR-03-5, UCI Institute for Software Research, Irvine, Ca.
- Dourish, P. and Anderson, K. 2005. Privacy, Security... and Risk and Danger and Secrecy and Trust and Identity and Morality and Power: Understanding Collective Information Practices. Technical Report UCI-ISR-05-1, UCI Institute for Software Research, Irvine, Ca.
- Dourish, P., Anderson, K., and Nafus, D. 2007. Cultural Mobilities: Diversity and Agency in Urban Computing. Technical Report LUCI-2007-001, Laboratory for Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction. Irvine, CA: University of California, Irvine.
- Dourish, P. 2009. Print this Paper, Kill a Tree: Environmental Sustainability as a Research Topic for HCI. LUCI-2009-004, Laboratory for Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction. Irvine, CA: University of California, Irvine.
- Mainwaring, S. and Dourish, P. 2012. Intel Science and Technology Center (ISTC) for Social Computing: A White Paper. Intel Science and Technology Center for Social Computing, Irvine, CA.
essays & position papers
- Dourish, P. 1992. Applying Reflection to CSCW Design. Position paper for workshop "Reflection and Metalevel Architectures", European Conf. Object-Oriented Programming (Utrecht, Netherlands).
- Dourish, P. 1992. Reflective Metalevel Architectures for CSCW Design. Position paper for Developer's Workshop, ACM Conf. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (Toronto, Canada). Appears in SIGOIS Bulletin 13(3), April 1993.
- Dourish, P. 1994. Abstraction and Open Interfaces. Position paper for Basic Research Symposium, ACM Conf. Human Factors in Computing Systems (Boston, MA).
- Dourish, P. 1994. Building Bridges Between Design and Use. Position paper for workshop "Research Issues in the Intersection between Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction", Intl. Conf. Software Engineering (Sorrento, Italy).
- Dourish, P., 1996. Review of "The Media Equation" (Cliff Nass and Byron Reeves, 1996). In Apple Labs Review.
- Dourish, P. 1996. Different Strokes for Different Folks: Privacy Norms in Three Media Spaces. CSCCW'96 Workshop on Community and Collaboration (published in ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin, 18(1)).
- Dourish, P. 1997. Extending Awareness Beyond Synchronous Collaboration. CHI'97 Workshop on Awareness in Collaboration Systems (Atlanta, Georgia, May).
- Dourish, P. 1997. Rethinking Software Representations. Workshop on Representations in Interactive System Design (London, July).
- Dourish, P. 1998. The State of Play. Introduction for the special issue of the journal Computer-Supported Cooperative Work on "Interaction and Collaboration in MUDs", 7(1-2).
- Dourish, P. 1999. Evolution in the Adoption and Use of Collaborative Technologies. Position paper for the ECSCW'99 Workshop on Evolving Use of Groupware.
- Dourish, P. 2000. A Foundational Framework for Situated Computing. Position paper for the CHI 2000 Workshop on Situated Computing: A Research Agenda.
- Dourish, P. 2000. Towards an Infrastructure for Pervasive Recommendations. Position paper for the CHI 2000 Workshop on Social Navigation: A Design Approach.
- Dourish, P. 2000. Technical and Social Aspects of Categorisation Schemes. Position paper for the CSCW 2000 Workshop on Classification Schemes in Cooperative Work.
- Dieberger, A., Dourish, P., Hook, K., and Wexelbat, A. 2000. Social Navigation: A technique for building more usable systems. interactions 7, 6, 36-45.
- Dourish, P. 2001. Crafting a Technical Response to the Interplay of Structure and Practice. Workshop on Structure and Process (ECSCW 2003, Bonn, Germany.)
- Moran, T. and Dourish, P. 2001. Introduction to the special issue on Context-Aware Computing. Human-Computer Interaction, 16(2-3).
- Dourish, P., Delgado de la Flor, J., and Joseph, M. 2003. Security as a Practical Problem: Some Preliminary Observations of Everyday Mental Models. Workshop on HCI and Security Systems (CHI 2003, Ft Lauderdale, L.)
- van der Hoek, A., Redmiles, D., Dourish, P., Sarma, A., Filho, R.S., and de Souza, C. 2004. Continuous Coordination: A New Paradigm for Collaborative Software Engineering Tools. Workshop on Directions in Software Engineering Environments (Edinburgh, Scotland), 29-36.
- Smith, I., LaMarca, A., Consolvo, S., and Dourish, P. 2004. A Social Approach to Privacy in Location-Enhanced Computing. Workshop on Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2004, Linz, Austria.)
- Bell, G. and Dourish, P. 2004. Getting Out of the City: Meaning and Structure in Everyday Encounters with Space. Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing on the Urban Frontier (Ubicomp 2004, Nottingham, UK.)
- de Souza, C., Dourish, P., Redmiles, D., Quirk, S., and Trainer, E. 2004. From Technical Dependencies to Social Dependencies. Workshop on Social Networks (CSCW 2004, Chicago, IL).
- Dourish, P., Brewer, J., and Bell, G. 2005. Information as a Cultural Category. interactions, 14(4), 31-33.
- Dourish, P. 2005. Review of "Social Thinking -- Software Practice" (Dittrich, Floyd, and Klischewski, eds.). Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 14(1), 87-90.
- Brewer, J., Williams, A., and Dourish, P. 2005. Nimio: An Ambient Awareness Device. Demonstration at European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work ECSCW 2005 (Paris, France).
- Dourish, P., DePaula, R., and Lee, C. 2005. Activities and Two Forms of Social Legibility. ECSCW 2005 Workshop on Activity-Based Computing (Paris, France).
- Dourish, P. 2005. Review of "The Locales Framework: Understanding and Designing for Wicket Problems" (Geraldine Fitzpatrick). Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 14(3), 283-285.
- Dourish, P. and Bell, G. 2006. Is the Digital Home a Dangerous Home? Ambidextrous, Summer, 37-39.
- Lee, C., Dourish, P., and Mark. G. 2006. The First Usability Challenge for Cyberinfrastructure. ACM CSCW Workshop on Cyberinfrastructure (Montreal, Quebec).
- Brewer, J. and Dourish, P. 2007. Imaging and Imagining the City. ACM CHI 2007 Workshop on Imaging the City (San Jose, CA).
- Dourish, P. 2008. The Secret Life of Secrets. Ambidextrous, 8 (Winter), 36-38.
- Dourish, P., Hayes, G., Irani, I., Lindtner, S., Nardi, B., Patterson, D., and Tomlinson, B. 2008. Informatics at UC Irvine. Research Landscapes, CHI 2008.
- Irani, L. and Dourish, P. 2008. Portability of Design Research Methods: Cultural Differences in the Creation of Technological Knowledge. CHI 2008 Workshop on Used Centered Design for Development (Florence, Italy).
- Dourish, P. 2008. Points of Persuasion: Strategic Essentialism and Environmental Sustainability. Pervasive 2008 Workshop on Pervasive Persuasive Technology and Environmental Sustainability (Sydney, Australia).
- Foth, M., Paulos, E., Satchell, C., and Dourish, P. 2009. Pervasive Computing and Envrionmental Sustainability: Two Workshops. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 8(1), 78-81.
- Irani, L. and Dourish, P. 2009. Postcolonial Interculturality. Paper presented at International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration (Stanford, CA).
- Lindtner, S. and Dourish, P. 2009. Digital Entertainment Culture in China OR The Heritages of The Californian Ideology. INTERACT 2009 Workshop on Culture and Technologies for Social Interaction.
- Dourish, P. 2010. Audiences, Publics, and Digital Media. CHI 2010 Workshop on Critical Dialogue: Interaction, Experience, and Cultural Theory (Atlanta, GA).
- Lindtner, S., Anderson, K., and Dourish, P. 2011. Multi-sited Design: An Approach Towards Addressing Design-Use Relations in Transnational Processes. CHI 2011 Workshop on Transnational HCI (Vancouver, BC).
- Dourish, P. 2013. Epilogue: Where the Action Was, Wasn't, Should Have Been, and Might Yet Be. ACM Trans. Human-Computer Interaction, 20(1).
- Dourish, P. 2014. The City and the Feudal Internet: Examining Institutional Materialities. Proc. Workshop on Code and the City (Maynooth, Ireland), September.
- Ames, M., Lo, K., and Dourish, P. 2015. The Gendered Mythologies of Computing Culture. CSCW 2015 Workshop on Feminist Approaches to CSCW (Vancouver, BC).
- Dourish, P. 2015. Two Readings of Cargo Cult Theorizing. CHI 2015 Workshop on Knowledge Production in Interaction Design (Seoul, South Korea).
- Sengers, P. and Dourish, P. 2015. Critical Technical Practice as Interdiscipline. Aarhus 2015 Workshop on Shifting Borderlands of Technoscience: Tracing Trajectories of Critical Praxis (Aarhus, Denmark).
- Dourish, P. and Hwang, S. 2016. Interaction under the Influence: Wine, Interaction Design, and the Politics of Impermanent Impairment. OzCHI 2016 Workshop on Wine and Interaction Design (Launceston, Tasmania.)
- Fedorova, M., Mazmanian, M., and Dourish, P. 2023. Not Just a Matter of Style: Does Aesthetics Have a Place in Software Engineering Curriculum? ICSE Workshop on Software Engineering Education (Melbourne, Victoria.)
- Dourish, P. and Hwang, S. 2023. Technologies as Vectors in Foodie Power-Geometries. OzCHI 2016 Workshop on Wine and Interaction Design (Launceston, Tasmania.)
editorial activities
- Dourish, P. (guest editor). 1998. Special Issue of Computer Supported Cooperative Work: Collaboration in MUDs and MOOs, 7(1-2).
- Benford, S., Rodden, T. and Dourish, P. (guest editors). 2001. Special Issue of ACM Trans. Computer-Human Interaction: Collaborative Virtual Environments. 7(4).
- Moran, T. and Dourish, P. (guest editors). 2001. Special Issue of Human Computer Interaction: Context-Aware Computing. 16(2-3).
- Riedl, J. and Dourish, P. (guest editors). 2005. Special Issue of ACM Trans. Computer-Human Interaction: Recommender Systems. 12(3).
- Baumer, E., Burrell, J., Ames, M., Brubaker, J., and Dourish, P. 2015. On the Importance and Implications of Studying Technology Non-Use. Interactions, 22(2), 52-56.
unpublished papers & work-in-progress
Please note. These papers are drafts. As such, they are subject to change, withdrawal, or revision at any time.
- Dourish, P. 1999. Embodied Interaction: Exploring the Foundations of a new Approach to HCI.
- Fisher, D. and Dourish, P. (2001). Email Filtering as an Infrastructure Service.
- de Souza, C., Silva Filho, R., and Dourish, P. (2001). A Multi-Dimensional Scheduler Supporting Critics.
- Liu, S., Grinter, R., and Dourish, P. 2003. Informality and IM-formality: Contexts of Computer-Mediated Communication.
- Baird, C. and Dourish, P. 2003. Metaphors and Mechanisms: Towards a Cognitive Semantics of Computation.
- Brewer, J. and Dourish, P. 2005. The Culture of Information: Ubiquitous Computing and Representations of Reality.
- Dourish, P. 2012. Designing for Zombies. Unpublished but undead.
- Thornton, J., Dourish, P., Edwards, K., LaMarca, A., Lamping, J., Petersen, K., Salisbury, M., Terry, D. US6240429: Using attached properties to provide document services. Issued May 29, 2001.
- Dourish, P, Edwards, K., LaMarca, A., Lamping, J., Petersen, K., Salisbury, M., Terry, D., Thornton, J. US6253217: Active properties for dynamic document management system configuration. Issued June 26, 2001.
- LaMarca, A., Dourish, P., Edwards, K., Lamping, J., Petersen, K., Salisbury, M., Terry, D., Thornton, J. US6266670: User-level accessing of low-level computer system operations. Issued July 24, 2001.
- LaMarca, A., Dourish, P., Edwards, K., Salisbury, M. US6266682: Tagging related files in a document management system. Issued July 24, 2001.
- Terry, D., Dourish, P., Edwards, K., LaMarca, A., Lamping, K., Petersen, K., Salisbury, J., Thornton, J. US6269380: Property-based mechanism for flexibility supporting front-end and back-end components having different communication protocols. Issued July 31, 2001.
- Petersen, Dourish, Edwards, LaMarca, Lamping, Salisbury, Terry, Thornton. US6308179: User-level controlled mechanism interpositioned in a read/write path of a property-based document management system. Issued Oct 23, 2001.
- Lamping, J., Dourish, P, Edwards, K., LaMarca, A., Petersen, K., Salisbury, M., Terry, D., Thornton, J. US6324551: Self-contained document management based on document properties. Issued Nov 27, 2001.
- Salisbury, M., Dourish, P., Edwards, K., LaMarca, A. US6330573: Maintaining document identity across hierarchy and non-hierarchy filesystems. Issued Dec 11, 2001.
- Edwards, K., Dourish, P., LaMarca, A., Lamping, J., Petersen, K., Salisbury, M., Terry, D., Thornton, J. US6370553: Atomic and Molecular Documents. Issued Apr 9, 2002.
- Salisbury, M., Dourish, P., Edwards, K., LaMarca, A., Lamping, J., Petersen, K., Terry, D., and Thornton, J. US6397231: Virtual documents generated via combined documents or portions of documents retrieved from data repositories. Issued May 28, 2002.
- Holmes, J., MacLean, A., Zbyslaw, A., and Dourish, P. US6421700: Method and system for work process support using independent system and user states. Issued July 16, 2002.
- Dourish, P., Lamping, J., and Rodden, T. US6430575: Collaborative document management system with customizable filing structures that are mutually intelligible. Issued Aug 8, 2002.
- Jones, R., Dourish, P., MacLean, A., and Bentley, R. US6493731: Document management system for recording and viewing the history of document use. Issued Dec 10, 2002.
- MacLean, A., Dourish, P., Bentley, R., and Jones, R. US6505219: Process management system wherein process descriptions provide indices to document histories. Issued Jan 7, 2003.
- Theimer, M., Spiteri, M., Swinehart, D., and Dourish, P. US6557111: Multicast-enhanced update propagation in a weakly-consistent, replicated data storage system. Issued Apr 29, 2003.
- Edwards, K., Dourish, P., LaMarca, A., Lamping, J., Petersen, K., Salisbury, M., Terry, D., and Thornton, J. US6562076: Extending application behaviour through active properties attached to a document in a document management system. Issued May 13, 2003.
- LaMarca, A., Dourish, P., Edwards, K., and Salisbury, M. US6582474: Tagging Related Files in a Document Management System. Issued Jun 24, 2003.
- Dourish, P. US6950982: Active Annotation Mechanism for Document Management Systems. Issued Sept 27, 2005.
- LaMarca, A., Dourish, P., Edwards, K., and Salisbury, M. US7086000: Tagging Related Files in a Document Management System. Issued August 6, 2006.